With results being fast declared, the time to prepare for your next clerk common exam has arrived. IBPS is expected to notify about the test in October which would see onlygraduates eligible to apply for clerk jobs as declared earlier.
Recruitment to fill 1500 clerks
A total of 1500 clerk vacancies was to be filled as part of the Indian overseas bank clerk recruitment project.
The applications were called from IBPS clerical cwe passouts & all were eligible since minimum scores were 120 (gen) & 105 (others)
Personal interviews for eligible applicants were held from August 24 for which state-wise & category-wise cutoff TWS marks was released.
Final Appointments:
The roll numbers of candidates chosen for appointment as clerk in IOB is available for download from their website here.The list is categorized as per the states applied for
The final list is prepared by adding IBPS clerk exam & interview scores which are then sorted in descending order (high to low).The total cutoff for each state is also publicly displayed by IOB that can be seen here.
While the interviewing stage carried a total of 50 marks, it was necessary for an individual to secure atleast 22.5 marks (20 for reserved category) to qualify for final selection.
Probation & Rural service:
Although there is no requirement for appointed candidates to execute service bonds with IOB, they shall be on probation for a period of 6 months after which their performance would be assessed.
The bank in its initial advt. had also placed a condition for new joinees to work in rural branches for minimum 5 years