Oct 12, 2012
BPS Conducting a Common Written Examination (CWE) for selection of personnel for Clerical Cadre Vacancies in the following Public Sector Banks mentioned below.
Participating Banks:
Allahabad Bank Indian Overseas Bank
Andhra Bank Oriental Bank of Commerce
Bank of Baroda Punjab National Bank
Bank of India Punjab & Sind Bank
Bank of Maharashtra Syndicate Bank
Canara Bank Union Bank of India
Central Bank of India United Bank of India
Corporation Bank UCO Bank
Dena Bank Vijaya Bank
Indian Bank IDBI Bank
Each of the Banks will issue individual recruitment notifications, details of vacancies, eligibility criteria etc separately, IBPS score card holders may apply for these vacancies for each bank when they are advertised recruitment notification.
Cuttoff Score: Candidate will have to secure a minimum score in each of the tests to qualify in the written test.
CWE Score Card: IBPS issue a score cards for each of the qualifying candidates in Common written exam and will send score card by Registered or speed post to each candidate at the mail address.
Validity of CWE Score Card: IBPS Score cards will be valid for one year from the date of issue.
CWE Exam Details:
Name of the Post: Clerical Cadre.
Age limit: The candidate’s age limit is minimum 20 years and maximum 28 years as on 01-10-2012, age relaxation as per rules.
Educational qualification:
1. Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
2. Computer literacy: Operating and working knowledge in computer systems is mandatory.
3. Proficiency in the Official Language of the State/UT for which vacancies a candidate wishes to apply is preferable.
Application Fee: Rs. 400/- for general candidates and Rs. 50/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates. Fee must be paid through online mode or offline mode.
Selection procedure: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Online Exam conducted by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
How to apply: The eligible and qualified candidates have to apply through online from the www.ibps.in website between 15-10-2012 to 05-11-2012. No other mode of application will be accepted. The candidates follow the user guideline and instructions at the time of online apply.
Important dates:
Start date for Online Registration 15-10-2012
Online Payment of Application Fees 15-10-2012 to 05-11-2012
Offline Payment of Application Fees 17-10-2012 to 09-11-2012
Last date for Online Registration 05-11-2012
Download of Call letter for Examination After 03-12-2012
CWE Exam 2012 Advt Details
Oct 5, 2012
Oct 4, 2012
State Bank of India Planning To Fill 20000 Vacancies Soon
State bank group along with its 5 associates have a combined presence of 16,000 branches across the nation making it the no.1 bank in terms of size.
A recent article in businessline will provide answers to all those asking ‘What are the upcoming SBI vacancies’
20,000 jobs in SBI for grabs
Mr. A.Krishna Kumar, Managing director says,
“SBI is looking to recruit 19000 clerks & 1000 probationary officers within the next one year”
The bank already has staff strength of 2.15 lac employees which is 7400 lower than the previous FY. As of June, the entire workforce numbers stand as below:
- Officers – 80,404
- Clerks - 95,018
The total staff in SBI over the years are shown by way of chart
Manpower for new branches
What is pushing the state bank group to increase its headcount at an such an aggressive pace? Following are the reasons
Retirements:This is one of the main issues faced by all govt. owned banks & state bank of India is no exception.Around 80,000 current employees will be retiring in next 5 years, says the MD.
Expansions: As on June 2012, SBI has 14127 branches. To maintain its dominant position, the banking major is to add 1200 branches (with atleast 700 in urban/metro areas) this year & new recruits will be needed for these locations.
Notification soon
When will be the next sbi clerk recruitment? could be your next question & we can hear you asking it.
The interview process for 9500 clerks & stenographers are currently underway. Once its completed, the process for PO recruitments shall begin, remarks SBI`s group executive of national banking |
Some candidates are of the view that the bank has increased the no. of vacancies for the ongoing recruitment itself but we were not able to confirm it with any officials.
So If additional posts are not created in the above exercise, official notice for new SBI clerk jobs can be expected in Jan/ February 2013
11000 clerks in 2009!
State bank of India has been the single largest job creator in this sector for past few years.The response for their hirings is itself enough to understand the dreams of aspirants.
In 2009, an announcement for SBI recruitment of 11000 clerks was made. Do you know how many people expressed interest?
Nearly 36 lakh applications were received for written exams that were held for just 11000 posts. (see over 30 lakhs want job in SBI)
With demand for bank jobs especially in public sector on the rise, any SBI clerk recruitments in 2012 -2013 will only see more no. of registrations than previous years.
So are you ready for the competition?
Top 8 Questions You Should Prepare For Bank Interviews
Due to this personal interview sessions always tend to create panic among young people.But by being bold & ready to encounter any type of question with confidence, it is possible to keep fear at bay.
Procedure & Marks
From the applications received, candidates will be shortlisted for interview stage based on their CWE scores and no. of vacancies.
It shall be conducted for 100 or 50 marks & the minimum marks to qualify for final selection shall be 40-50%. But for you to compete with others, securing the max. score is important, which can be attained by proper preparations.
What to Prepare
Although, predicting exact questions is not possible, there are certain topics that are sureto be touched by the panelists during an interview for bank posts.
1. Personal details
This will be the first section wherein you are asked about your family, education etc., Normally the question is like ‘Tell us about yourself’.
Start with a short introduction about family background & move on to highlight your skills & achievements or college projects. (checkout how to answer tell me about yourself)
2. Study your resume/ biodata
The biodata or resume carries great importance as its the official document about you. As bulk of the questions would revolve around the data you provide, pay attention while filling the form given at the interview venue.
Get familiar with what you have written so as to avoid giving wrong answers.
3. Banking knowledge
Applying for a bank job & don't know what is a term loan?The chances of you making it to the final list would only get distant.There are roughly about 100-130 regularly used words in banking & financial sector.
There is no alternative apart from memorizing those terminologies but it isn't that hard since banking awareness is a section of the common bank exam.
Rather than relying only on websites,you can also purchase some books that provides detailed explanations.
4. Latest news
‘What is the current repo rate’, ‘Who is the chief of Asian development bank’ – answers
to these would be known only if you read newspapers everyday.
Not limited only to economy, you could also encounterquestions about national events such as the recent satellite launch, location of asia`s largest solar parketc.,
G.K books may help for historical data but newspapers & news channels are your only source for latest happenings.
5. Know your state
Public banks are now demanding applicants for clerical posts to posses proficiency in local language of the state.
In addition to testing your language skills, expect queries on the no. of districts in your state, names of ministers,governor or about a place of importance.
These questions need not necessarily test your knowledge but enables the interviewer to deduce your communication skills.
6. Know about the organization
Few questions on history, performance, awards or chairman/MD of the bank could be asked to gauge your level of preparation & interest in taking up the job.
Visit the bank`s website, look for a section ‘About us’ under which all the info ranging from mission, vision to previous year`s financial results will be available.
7. Know yourself
Now comes the real part, where you need to talk more.What could you be questioned on?
Answering these can get tough if you have not though about this in advance.
Responses like ‘My biggest strength is working hard’ & ‘Short temper is my weakness’ will only send wrong signals to the interviewing panel.Don't sound too vague or object of ridicule.
While officer post requires managerial & team building skills, clerical employees are required to have good customer handling capabilities.
Understand the job profile & frame answers that could bring these qualities to the fore.
8. Why bank job?
Are you applying for entry level posts in banks with BE/MBA/MCA degrees? If yes, either of the following questions could be heading your way
- Why are you applying for banks with technical degree
- Are`nt you overqualified for PO/ clerk position
The best answer here shall be the real reason which pushed you to write CWE & apply for bank jobs.Try to come up with a reply that would convince the panel.
Checkout our previous post - How to answer why you chose bank jobs to read on what to say in detail.
These are the 8 sure shot questions that you need to prepare for cracking the next bank interview!!
Convert From XPS To PDF Online And Offline Software Converters
Microsoft Corporation is said to be the creator of a lot of document formats including .docx, .pptx, .xps, etc. All of these document formats are meant to be opened by their respective viewer, but we know better that we can view and edit almost all of the office supported formats in free software like Open Office. The thing is not many people uses all of these document formats. So people tend to move towards file format converters like the ones I’m going to share.
Like I said, not many people view files in XPS (Open XML Paper Specification) viewer nor do they really use this document format, but we do need XPS viewer and editor if we are working on a fixed structured/layout document based on XML (Extensive Markup Language). When we talk about converting file formats just for the aspect of viewing we generally tend to convert file formats to PDF (Portable Document Format).
I’ll give the names of some online and offline tools that converts XPS file format to PDF format for free.
Online Tools
As the name suggests, Convert.Files lets you convert any document file in any format to your desired format. All you have to do is upload your file from the browse option. In the input format choose XPS and in the Output format choose PDF and then click Convert.
XPS To PDF is another online XPS to PDF converter, which lets you convert XPS documents to PDF documents online for free. It even shows you how to convert XPS to PDF using XPS Viewer and Bullzip PDF printer.
Offline Tool
CheckPrixa XPS To PDF converter is one of the widely used converters because of it’s batch conversion support. All you have to do is install this free application from their website and choose your file for conversion. You can even convert multiple files at once. It is a very handy tool.
Combine Word Documets Without Any Software in MS Office / Open Office
To combine more than one Word Documents into one, what we do is copy and paste. In case we want to merge multiple documents into one quickly, MS Word itself provides a feature to do that. It works in Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 and also in MS Office 2013.
How To Combine Multiple Word Documents in MS Office
- Open the document where you want everything to be combined
- Place the cursor in the location where you want the material to be added
- Click the Insert tab
- Open the drop-down menu for “Object”
- Choose “Text from file”.
- A dialog will open, where you can choose the file that you wish to combine with the presently open file.
- Click the button “Insert”
Merge Documents in OpenOffice / LibreOffice
- Open the document where you want everything to be combined.
- Place the cursor in the location where you want the material to be added.
- Click “Insert” from the menu bar.
- Click “File”.
- Select the file to combine, then OPEN to insert.
Pretty easy huh! Instead of installing some 3rd party application to merge multiple Word Documents.
To combine more than one Word Documents into one, what we do is copy and paste. In case we want to merge multiple documents into one quickly, MS Word itself provides a feature to do that. It works in Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 and also in MS Office 2013.
How To Combine Multiple Word Documents in MS Office
- Open the document where you want everything to be combined
- Place the cursor in the location where you want the material to be added
- Click the Insert tab
- Open the drop-down menu for “Object”
- Choose “Text from file”.
- A dialog will open, where you can choose the file that you wish to combine with the presently open file.
- Click the button “Insert”
Merge Documents in OpenOffice / LibreOffice
- Open the document where you want everything to be combined.
- Place the cursor in the location where you want the material to be added.
- Click “Insert” from the menu bar.
- Click “File”.
- Select the file to combine, then OPEN to insert.
Pretty easy huh! Instead of installing some 3rd party application to merge multiple Word Documents.
MS Office 2013 New Features Review in a Nutshell and Offline Download
Microsoft Office in its version 2013 is completely revamped; not just in terms of visual appearance but also some new features integrated to make work easier.
Metro-fied interface, Cloud integration, suitable for Tablets and Touch screen interface and many more. Let’s have a look at new features which came up with MS Office 2013 products.
Microsoft Word 2013 New Features
- Open and Edit PDF documents: Word 2013 brings capability of opening PDF Documents as well as offer Editing like it is a Word Document. No Formatting loss in document, even images and tables appear as it is.
- Insert Images From Online Sources: Not just Local Disk, but you can directly search for images on Bing, Flickr or from SkyDrive without leaving MS Word application.
- Inbuilt Screen Capture Tool: Use the screen capturing tool to insert window screenshot or clipping.
- Insert Videos and Embed: Like Images, you can look out for videos on web. Maybe on Bing search, Youtube or directly paste embed video code to insert video in Word Document.
- Read Mode: New View mode is introduced especially for reading ease on Tablet PCs. In this mode, reading becomes a horizontal experience suited to tablets and swiping, rather than a vertical experience suited to PCs and mouse scrolling. Draft mode of previous version is however excluded.
- Auto bookmark: When you stop reading or editing a document, a bookmark is automatically placed in the last location you scrolled to, even if your cursor wasn’t there. The next time you open the document, you’re asked if you want to jump to the place where you left off.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 New Features
- New Template View: Just when you begin with creating new presentation, template viewer now gives the exact idea about- How Presentation will look when you finish it up.
- Embed Clipart, Images and Videos from Web: Finding the right clipart for your presentation has become more easier with integrated clipart search feature. Also, Images and Videos can be searched and inserted right from PowerPoint window.
- Presenter View: In the new Presenter view, You can see a preview of the next slide, and your presenter notes. The audience sees only the current slide you’re presenting. There’s also a new zoom feature that lets you zoom into and out of diagrams, charts and graphics while giving a presentation.
Microsoft Excel 2013 New Features
- Quick Analysis tool: Highlight data that you’ve input into a spreadsheet and a small icon appears next to it. Click the icon and Excel offers suggestions, based on the data, about what you might want to do with it.
- Chart Advisor: If you do need to edit a chart, the contextual tools that pop up make it faster and easier; you can preview different designs and checkboxes add and remove chart elements or sections of data interactively.
- Timeline slicer: Organizes data by date so you can filter down to a specific period or jump through figures month by month to see the differences.
- Flash Fill: Flash Fill recognizes any patterns you start to make with your data functions and will then auto-complete the rest of sheet including formula, macros and all.
Well, I have included only 3 products which are popularly used but MS Office 2013 complete package consist of:
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Infopath
- Microsoft Lync
- Microsoft Onenote
- Microsoft Outlook
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Publisher
- Microsoft Visio Viewer
- Microsoft Word
Download MS Office 2013 Offline Installer Direct Link
At the moment, Preview version is out and you can download it for free by signing up on Microsoft Office 2013 Costumer Preview page. Or install by downloading offline installer using the links given below:
DOWNLOAD MS OFFICE 2013 (32 BIT)DOWNLOAD MS OFFICE 2013 (64 BIT)What Is NFO And FILE_ID DIZ In Crack Software: How To Open
Whenever you download a Pirated software, it generally comes with a NFO or DIZ file. Thought it doesn’t have directly to do with cracking your software but question arises- What is it and How to Open NFO file or read DIZ file?
What is NFO File
Well, NFO is an acronym for Info or Information. It is a Text file which contains information about the cracker who is responsible for making keygen of a software or crack it to make it usable for free. It was first used in the late 1980s by a cracking group named The Humble Guys (THG).
Information consist of the symbol/signature and contact details of the Pirate/Warez group who cracked the software and released it. This is generally in ASCII art.
One of the example could be: Signature of popular TSRh piracy group.

Apart from Signature, NFO contains notes and information about the software it was bundled it. How to crack, Notes, etc are generally included in it.
According to Wikipedia, FILE_ID stands for “file identification”. DIZ stands for Description In Zipfile. In addition, when written in lowercase and rotated 180 degrees, the ‘diz’ file extension looks like ‘zip’.
FILE_ID DIZ also contains same information and it is a plain text file similar to NFO.
Unable to Open NFO / FILE_ID DIZ
When you double click on NFO to open and read contents, you get error: System Information cannot open this NFO file. It might be corrupted or an unrecognized version.
This happens because Windows hasn’t associated that filetype correctly. It is considering NFO as System Information file and hence opens System Properties window.
FILE_ID DIZ however remains unrecognized by operating system so you can double click on it and then choose Notepad as program to open.
How to Open it / NFO viewer
As I said, it is a text file, you can open it in Notepad (for windows) or any text editor for other operating systems. Right click on NFO file and select open with.. followed by Notepad.
If you still want a dedicated application as NFO reader to open and view NFO files then you may try following programs:
Download NFO Reader / DIZ Viewer
For Windows: NFOpad / Microsoft Notepad /
For Mac: Apple Text Edit
For Linux: NFO Viewer
Online NFO Viewer: NFOmation
Some NFO viewer are capable of viewing DIZ file too like DIZzy and GetDIZ.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-5 years) Java with Nms/oss professional openings at Bangalore:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd requires the eligible experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Bangalore. Both Graduate and Postgraduate candidates of any specialization are eligible.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd requires the eligible experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Bangalore. Both Graduate and Postgraduate candidates of any specialization are eligible.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Education: (UG –Any Graduate – Any Specialization) OR (PG – Any PG Course- Any Specialization)
Location: Bangalore
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Java/J2EE with Nms/Ems/Bss/oss
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Education: (UG –Any Graduate – Any Specialization) OR (PG – Any PG Course- Any Specialization)
Location: Bangalore
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Java/J2EE with Nms/Ems/Bss/oss
Job description
Extensive knowledge of Java/J2EE Development is mandatory. Must have experience in Domains such as NMS/EMS/BSS/OSS. Interested candidates have to send the details such as Current and Expected CTC along with the updated resume. Good communication skills are required.
Extensive knowledge of Java/J2EE Development is mandatory. Must have experience in Domains such as NMS/EMS/BSS/OSS. Interested candidates have to send the details such as Current and Expected CTC along with the updated resume. Good communication skills are required.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-5 years) Java Developer openings at Hyderabad:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is seeking for the experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Hyderabad. Graduates and Postgraduate candidates are eligible.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is seeking for the experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Hyderabad. Graduates and Postgraduate candidates are eligible.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Education: (UG – B.Tech/B.E.) AND (PG – M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc)
Location: Hyderabad
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Core java, Web services, spring
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Education: (UG – B.Tech/B.E.) AND (PG – M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc)
Location: Hyderabad
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key skills: Core java, Web services, spring
Job description
Must have strong knowledge of JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring and Web services. Extensive experience of HTML, Java Script and CSS is required. Candidates who were willing to relocate in Hyderabad are only eligible for this post.
Must have strong knowledge of JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring and Web services. Extensive experience of HTML, Java Script and CSS is required. Candidates who were willing to relocate in Hyderabad are only eligible for this post.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-8 years) Android Developer openings at Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is looking for the experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad. Graduate and Postgraduate candidates are eligible.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is looking for the experienced candidates to work as Software Developer at Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad. Graduate and Postgraduate candidates are eligible.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-8 years
Education: UG-Any Graduate-Any Specialization, PG-Any PG Course-Any Specialization
Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key Skills: Android, Android SDK
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-8 years
Education: UG-Any Graduate-Any Specialization, PG-Any PG Course-Any Specialization
Location: Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Key Skills: Android, Android SDK
Job description
Proficient knowledge of Android SDK and Android Applications is required. Working experience of Android applications is required. Must have experience in Android SDK. Having prior exposure to web applications using Java/J2EE would be an advantage.
Proficient knowledge of Android SDK and Android Applications is required. Working experience of Android applications is required. Must have experience in Android SDK. Having prior exposure to web applications using Java/J2EE would be an advantage.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-6 years) Java Struts Developer openings at Chennai:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is seeking for the eligible experienced candidates for filling the position of Software Engineer/Programmer at Chennai. B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA/ MCA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc candidates are eligible.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is seeking for the eligible experienced candidates for filling the position of Software Engineer/Programmer at Chennai. B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA/ MCA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc candidates are eligible.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-6 years
Education: UG- B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA, PG- CA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc
Location: Chennai
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Java, Struts, Hibernate, Spring
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-6 years
Education: UG- B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA, PG- CA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc
Location: Chennai
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Java, Struts, Hibernate, Spring
Job description
Extensive experience of Java is desirable. Skills of Java, Struts, Hibernate and spring are mandatory. Must possess first class in academics. Strong knowledge of spring is required. Working experience of Development projects is required.
Extensive experience of Java is desirable. Skills of Java, Struts, Hibernate and spring are mandatory. Must possess first class in academics. Strong knowledge of spring is required. Working experience of Development projects is required.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Email: aurifahmed. abdulsalam@ cognizant.com
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Email: aurifahmed. abdulsalam@ cognizant.com
Website: www. cognizant.com
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-6 years) Java JSF Developer openings at Chennai:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is hiring the experienced candidates to work as Software Engineer/Programmer at Chennai. Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India is hiring the experienced candidates to work as Software Engineer/Programmer at Chennai. Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-6 years
Education: UG- B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA, PG- CA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc
Location: Chennai
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Java, JSF, JSF 1.2, EJB
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-6 years
Education: UG- B.E. / B.Tech/ B.Sc/ BCA, PG- CA/ M.E. / M.Tech/ M.Sc
Location: Chennai
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Java, JSF, JSF 1.2, EJB
Job description
Candidate should possess first class in academics. Hands on experience of Java, JSF is preferred. Must have experience in JSF 1.2 and EJB. Working experience of Development projects is required.
Candidate should possess first class in academics. Hands on experience of Java, JSF is preferred. Must have experience in JSF 1.2 and EJB. Working experience of Development projects is required.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Careers 2012: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd is one of the leading providers of information technology, consulting and business process outsourcing services. Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) is consistently hiring both freshers and experienced peoples to strengthen to its work force.
(3-5 years) Software Engineer openings at Gurgaon:
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd requires the skillful and talented experienced candidates for filling the position of Software Engineer/Programmer at Gurgaon.
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd requires the skillful and talented experienced candidates for filling the position of Software Engineer/Programmer at Gurgaon.
Job summary
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Location: Gurgaon
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Unix Shell script with Java
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Experience: 3-5 years
Location: Gurgaon
Industry: IT/Computers Software
Role: Software Engineer/Programmer
Key skills: Unix Shell script with Java
Job description
Hands on experience of Java and UNIX shell scripting are desirable. Candidates have to work on UNIX. Good technical and Communication skills are required.
Hands on experience of Java and UNIX shell scripting are desirable. Candidates have to work on UNIX. Good technical and Communication skills are required.
Contact details
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
Company Name: Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd
Website: www. cognizant.com
IT Freshers Walk-Ins in Chennai 2012
Walk-In from 3rd to 7th Oct 2012 for( 0-1 years) Jr PHP Developer openings in Voltech HR Services Pvt Ltd at Chennai:
Voltech HR Services Pvt Ltd is hiring the fresher candidates to work as Software Developer at Chennai by conducting a walk-in interview. Graduate and Postgraduate candidates of computer background are eligible.
Job summary
Company Name: Voltech HR Services Pvt Ltd
Experience: 0-1 years
Education: (UG – BCA – Computers, B.Tech/B.E. – Any Specialization, Computers) AND (PG – MCA – Computers)
Location: Chennai
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Vacancies: 50
Salary: INR 1,00,000 – 2,00,000 P.A
Key skills: PHP, Fresher, Trainee
Job description
Experience in PHP Development is mandatory. Candidates must have certification course in PHP. Must be willing to work as trainee for about 2 months without stipend. Good communication and Technical skills are required.
Walk-In date: 3rd to 7th Oct 2012
Walk-In Venue: Voltech HR Services,
No.2/429, Mount Poonamalle road,
Ayyapanthangal, Chennai-56.
Contact details
Company Name: Voltech HR Services Pvt Ltd
Recruiter Name: Varsha
Telephone: 8754597792
Click here to apply
Walk-In on 6th Oct 2012 for(1-5 years) CSS/HTML Developer openings in KRDS Software Development Pvt Ltd at Chennai:
KRDS Software Development Pvt Ltd is looking for the experienced candidates for filling the position of Software Developer at Bangalore, Chennai by conducting a walk-in interview at Chennai. Both Graduate and Postgraduate candidates of any specialization are eligible for this post.
Job summary
Company Name: KRDS Software Development Pvt Ltd
Experience: 1-5 years
Education: (UG –Any Graduate – Any Specialization) AND (PG – Any PG Course- Any Specialization)
Location: Chennai, Bangalore
Industry: IT Software, Software Services
Role: Software Developer
Salary: INR 2,00,000 – 5,50,000 P.A
Key skills: CSS, HTML, CSS Coding, HTML Developer, Web Developer, UI Developer, Table less, Illustrator, Web Designing, User Interface Developer, Web Development
Job description
Candidate should have experience in Table less conversion. Skills of CSS, HTML, CSS Coding, HTML Developer, Web Developer, UI Developer, Table less, Illustrator, Web Designing and User Interface Developer are mandatory. Should possess the capability of transforming PSD Design to HTML/CSS code. Having experience in Table less design is preferred. Must have knowledge of Software Development Standards. Extensive working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS 3. Good communication, team player and Interpersonal skills are required.
Walk-In date: 6th Oct 2012
Walk-In Time: 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Walk-In Venue: KRDS Software Development
Ascendas IT Park (Chennai) ltd
4th Floor, Pinnacle Building
International Tech Park, CSIR Road
Taramani, Chennai-600113
Contact details
Company Name: KRDS Software Development
Recruiter Name: lokeshram
Email: hr@ krds.fr
Telephone: 0-9677125666
Website: www. krds.in
Click here to apply
HAL Recruitment 2012 – 343 Management Trainees Vacancies
HAL Recruitment 2012 – 343 Management Trainees Vacancies: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), a Navaratna Central Public Sector Undertaking, has issued notification against recruitment of 343 Management Trainee Vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through Online mode on or before 19-10-2012. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, application fee details, selection process and how to apply are given below…
HAL Vacancy Details:
Total No of vacancies: 343
Names of Posts
1. Management Trainee (Technical): 273
2. Management Trainee (Integrated Materials Management): 25 posts
3. Management Trainee (Finance): 20 posts
4. Management Trainee (Human Resources): 25 posts
Total No of vacancies: 343
Names of Posts
1. Management Trainee (Technical): 273
2. Management Trainee (Integrated Materials Management): 25 posts
3. Management Trainee (Finance): 20 posts
4. Management Trainee (Human Resources): 25 posts
Age Limit: Candidate age must be below 28 years as on 01-10-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess B.E/B.Tech, CA, MBA/MSW, PG in relevant disciplines from a recognized University.
Application Fee Details: Candidates need to pay application fee of Rs. 400/- along with the bank charges Rs. 25/- in “Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – Recruitment Account” bearing No. 30969511830. Fee must be paid in form of challan (Pay-in-Slip) of the core banking branches of SBI. (SC/ST/PWD Candidates are exempted from the fee).
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected on the basis of Objective Type Competitive Online Test and Interview.
How to Apply: Eligible and interested candidates are required to apply Online only through HAL Website www.hal-india.com from 03-10-2012 to 19-10-2012. After submission of application candidates can take a printout of the system generated on-line application page for future reference.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to official website of HAL (Carrers Section) www.hal-india.com.
2. Click the link given in career section of HAL website for the Registration & select the name of the post wanted to apply.
3. Fill all mandatory details in the form carefully, check once and click on ‘Submit’ button.
4. After submission of application candidates can take a print out of system generated Application confirmation and retains it for further use.
5. In case of candidates belonging to General & OBC categories, on submission of personal & educational details, they are required to print the Bank Challan (Pay-in-Slip) for depositing the Application Fee in the Bank as mentioned above.
1. Log on to official website of HAL (Carrers Section) www.hal-india.com.
2. Click the link given in career section of HAL website for the Registration & select the name of the post wanted to apply.
3. Fill all mandatory details in the form carefully, check once and click on ‘Submit’ button.
4. After submission of application candidates can take a print out of system generated Application confirmation and retains it for further use.
5. In case of candidates belonging to General & OBC categories, on submission of personal & educational details, they are required to print the Bank Challan (Pay-in-Slip) for depositing the Application Fee in the Bank as mentioned above.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Application: 03-10-2012
Last Date for Online Application: 19-10-2012
Last Date for Payment of Fee: 18-10-2012
Online Test Date: 20-11-2012
Declaration of Test results at HAL Website: 04-12-2012
Download of Interview Call Letter at HAL Website: 06-12-2012
Interview for short listed candidates at HAL, Bangalore: 10-12-2012 to 15-12-2012
Declaration of the list of provisionally selected candidates at HAL Website: 20-12-2012
Download of Provisional Offer of Appointment at HAL Website: 20-12-2012
Pre-employment Medical Test at HAL Hospitals: 21-12-2012 to 27-12-2012
Pre-employment Document Verification at HAL, Bangalore: 29-12-2012 & 31-12-2012
Commencement of Training Program at HAL Management Academy, Bangalore: 01-01-2013
Starting Date for Online Application: 03-10-2012
Last Date for Online Application: 19-10-2012
Last Date for Payment of Fee: 18-10-2012
Online Test Date: 20-11-2012
Declaration of Test results at HAL Website: 04-12-2012
Download of Interview Call Letter at HAL Website: 06-12-2012
Interview for short listed candidates at HAL, Bangalore: 10-12-2012 to 15-12-2012
Declaration of the list of provisionally selected candidates at HAL Website: 20-12-2012
Download of Provisional Offer of Appointment at HAL Website: 20-12-2012
Pre-employment Medical Test at HAL Hospitals: 21-12-2012 to 27-12-2012
Pre-employment Document Verification at HAL, Bangalore: 29-12-2012 & 31-12-2012
Commencement of Training Program at HAL Management Academy, Bangalore: 01-01-2013
For more details like vacancy distribution, pay scale, reservations, other requirements and other instructions, click on the link given below…
Oct 2, 2012
TuneUp Utilities 2013 Review: Is It Better Than 2012? Should I Buy?
TuneUp Utilities is one of the most popular multi featured package utility for automated system maintenance. Latest version Tuneup Utilities 2013 is now out in market. Is it really a big jump from previous version? Lets take a look on the new features included in TuneUp Utilities 2013 Review.
I have been using TuneUp Utilities for a long time now. Every new version has been a big change visually and performance wise. What so ever, this time it has broken many of my expectations. Visually you will not be finding much difference and regarding features there are very few to make an impact.
TuneUp 2013 new Features
They haven’t added totally different features. New inclusions are just a small extension of the already present features in TuneUp 2012. Now, let’s go through the listed feature inclusions.
- TuneUp Disk Cleaner 2013: Cleans up system-clogging clutter from 150 programs and Windows
- TuneUp Browser Cleaner 2013: Removes data traces from 25 browsers
- TuneUp Live Optimization 2.0: Stops performance-sapping programs
- Future-proof: Fully compatible with Windows 8
TuneUp Computer Cleaner 2013
The cleanup section has major changes unlike TuneUp 2012 where we had a common cleanup section which included all options. Now its more detailed and separate options like Windows and program cleaner, browser cleaner, broken Shortcut Cleaner and windows Functionality Disable.
TuneUp Claims that TuneUp 2013 cleans 6 times better than any of the previous versions as it includes more programs to remove temporary data.
TuneUp Browser Cleaner 2013
Separate browser cleaner is a good inclusion for people worried about privacy. It clears all your private data and additionally you can also manually block cookies from certain sites by adding them to blacklist. Browser cleaner is also included in One Click maintenance.
Hence, all your browsing secrets will be wiped out automatically once the maintenance starts. You have to be careful in case you do not want your browser data cleaned up, disable the function in one click maintenance. This was a bitter experience when I did not pay attention to Advance System Care auto maintenance which had this feature from a long time. Till date, I was using CCleaner for this purpose.
TuneUp says, it supports 25 browsers. Well, I haven’t used so many of them yet in my lifetime. I guess every one uses at max 2-3 browsers at a time.
TuneUp Live Optimization 2.0
The new live optimization feature will also allow you to specify applications that wont be pushed down the priority level if you are starting new applications. This new feature will be helpful when you are using applications like Photoshop, Camstasia etc and then opening new applications like Firefox browser, video player etc.
Well, TuneUp 2013 is fully compatible with Windows 8. I was looking out for one live tile which was expected rather I am bombarded with all the shortcuts on the metro Home screen. You may find it convenient to open up any TuneUp feature, on the other hand if you do not like to have so many apps on home screen, just batch select them by right click and remove them.
More than new feature inclusions like from TuneUp 2010 to Tuneup 2011/ 2012, the main focus this time was on improving the present functionality. If you were planning to buy TuneUp 2013 for the first time then go ahead. In case you are already using TuneUp 2012 and were thinking whether to upgrade or not, in my opinion its better to halt now. Before buying it, try TuneUp 2013 free for 15 days
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